Sunday, March 6, 2011

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I know this sounds kinda like a stupid question, but What do you want to be when you grow up? There are a lot of occupations we can choose, For example: Fashion, Doctor, lawyer, cook, baker, planner, wedding planner, inventor, artist, writing, video game tester,etc. see? So many different things! Comment below and tell me what you want to be when you grow up!

I want to be 3 things,
Either a:

Wedding Planner,


  1. I am convinced, Amaris, that you can be anything you put your mind to. You have talent to spare. Love you punkin!

  2. Well...Makes sense you would say that..your my mom!

  3. I want to be a Wife a Mommy and a seamstress.

  4. You would be amazing, at those things angel! :)

  5. i wonna b a wedding planner a baker or a dancer! jk. i suck at dancing but i really do wonna b a wedding planner and cook! i hav my whole life planned out. but i do not wonna bore u 2 death so u better not write that out. :)

  6. but if u DO want tp here my life story... :P


I always love listing to what you have to say! Leave a comment, don't be shy! :)